how to recover losses from VSR Financial

Robert Bragg-Newbridge Securities Broker-Discloses Customer Disputes Over Alternative Investments- Monument, CO

Robert Bragg-Newbridge Securities Broker-Discloses Customer Disputes Over Alternative Investments- Monument, CO 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

Robert C. Bragg Investigation Monument,  Colorado According to publicly available records Robert Charles Bragg, a broker who works for Newbridge Securities,  discloses a pending customer dispute and a prior regulatory matter.…

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Bob Wamhoff-Former VSR Financial Services Broker-Discloses Suits Involving REIT Investments-St. Charles, MO.

Bob Wamhoff-Former VSR Financial Services Broker-Discloses Suits Involving REIT Investments-St. Charles, MO. 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

February 2018-Saint Charles, MO The FINRA records of  Robert (Bob) Wamhoff,  a  stockbroker who was formerly employed by  VSR Financial Services  disclose 2 currently pending and  8 prior customer disputes that are final. The Financial…

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Jay A. Wallinger-Former VSR Financial Services Broker-Discloses Customer Suit Over Equipment Leasing Investment-Stuart, Nebraska

Jay A. Wallinger-Former VSR Financial Services Broker-Discloses Customer Suit Over Equipment Leasing Investment-Stuart, Nebraska 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

February 2018-Stuart, NE The FINRA records of  Jay Alan Wallinger ,  a  stockbroker who was formerly  employed by  VSR Financial Services  disclose the recent settlement of a customer dispute involving an alleged overconcentration…

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Scott V. Kaup-Former VSR Financial Broker-Discloses $2.6M+ Customer Suit, Stuart, NE

Scott V. Kaup-Former VSR Financial Broker-Discloses $2.6M+ Customer Suit, Stuart, NE 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

March 2019-Stuart, NE The FINRA records of  Scott V. Kaup ,  a  stockbroker who was formerly  employed by  VSR Financial Services  disclose 2 pending customer disputes  and a prior customer dispute that has…

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Lisa Allen-Former VSR Financial Services Broker-Investigation-Austin, TX

Lisa Allen-Former VSR Financial Services Broker-Investigation-Austin, TX 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

December 2017–Austin, Texas We are investigating former VSR Financial Services broker Lisa A. Allen (Lisa Ann Fowler)  in connection with the sale of various direct investments including real estate securities and limited partnership interests. According…

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Charles Geraci -Former VSR Financial Services Broker-Subject of $1.4M Customer Suits-Woodlands, TX

Charles Geraci -Former VSR Financial Services Broker-Subject of $1.4M Customer Suits-Woodlands, TX 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

October 2018-The Woodlands, Texas According to FINRA records, Charles Geraci , a former VSR FInancial Services broker who is not currently registered with any brokerage firm, discloses two pending customer disputes and 7…

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Mickey Long-Former VSR Financial Broker-DIscloses Numerous Customer Complaints Over Alternative Investments-Plano, TX

Mickey Long-Former VSR Financial Broker-DIscloses Numerous Customer Complaints Over Alternative Investments-Plano, TX 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

November  2017-Plano, Texas According to public records former VSR Financial Services broker M. F. (Mickey) Long discloses a prior final regulatory event, 10 prior customer disputes that are final and…

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VSR Financial Services-How to Recover Damages On Losses In REITs and Alt. Investments

VSR Financial Services-How to Recover Damages On Losses In REITs and Alt. Investments 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

April 2018–VSR Financial Services closed down its operations in the Fall of 2016. Many of its brokers and clients have been transferred to Summit Brokerage Services, a related entity which is…

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Charles R. Elhoff-LPL Financial Broker-Discloses Pending Customer Dispute-Arlington, TX

Charles R. Elhoff-LPL Financial Broker-Discloses Pending Customer Dispute-Arlington, TX 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

June 2017- Arlington, Texas According to publicly available records Charles R. Elhoff, Jr.  (CRD#76936) ,  a  stockbroker who currently is employed by  LPL Financial,   discloses  a currently pending customer dispute and a prior…

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