Thomas Fross-SII Investments Stockbroker Discloses Customer Dispute-The Villages, FL

Thomas Fross-SII Investments Stockbroker Discloses Customer Dispute-The Villages, FL

Thomas Fross-SII Investments Stockbroker Discloses Customer Dispute-The Villages, FL 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

UPDATE-September 2016SII Investments was found liable for negligence, unsuitability and breach of fiduciary duty and ordered to pay damages in the amount of $19,634 plus interest in FINRA Case #16-0082. The cause of action related to the purchase of Cole Credit Property Trust II and Behringer Harvard REIT I non traded real estate investment trusts. Kraemer vs SII Investments, Inc. 

Original Post–April 4, 2016-The Villages, Florida

According to their website, The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), “ is dedicated to investor protection and market integrity through effective and efficient regulation of the securities industry.”

IN 2015, FINRA brought 1,512 disciplinary actions and levied fines of nearly $100 million, and referred over 800 fraud and insider trading cases to the U S Securities & Exchange Commission for litigation and prosecution.

The FINRA records of stockbroker Thomas M. Fross disclose that a customer has filed an arbitration . In FINRA Case 16-0082, a customer alleges that two real estate investment trusts (REITs) are not suitable. Damages of $29,000 are alleged.

Fross has been employed by SII Investments since 6/2007.

If you have losses in an account handled by Thomas Fross of Fross & Fross Wealth Management and SII Investments, contact us to learn how you may be able to recover damages from his employer.

Rex Securities Law , with offices in Boca Raton, FL,  and  Austin, TX,   provides representation to  investors  nationwide who are seeking recovery of investment losses due to the negligence or fraud of stockbrokers and broker dealers. If you have questions about how your account has been handled, call to speak with an experienced securities attorney.

Most cases handled on a contingent fee basis meaning that you do not pay legal fees unless we are successful.

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Rex Securities Law

TollFree: 877-224-3199

Florida-561 391 1900 


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