wfg investments finra problem

WFG Investments Ignored Red Flags in San Antonio, TX , Branch

WFG Investments Ignored Red Flags in San Antonio, TX , Branch 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

May 2017- San Antonio, TX According to publicly available records Dallas, TX-based WFG Investments Inc. discloses 23 final regulatory events.  The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is the agency that licenses and regulates…

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Kyle J. Gardner-Former MML Investor Services Broker-Discloses Customer Dispute Over REITs-Plano, TX

Kyle J. Gardner-Former MML Investor Services Broker-Discloses Customer Dispute Over REITs-Plano, TX 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

May 2017- Plano, Texas The FINRA records  of Kyle J. Gardner,  a  stockbroker who is currently employed by  SCF Securities   disclose a pending  customer dispute for losses on investments in real estate investment trusts (REITs). The…

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Leslie R. Rosenblatt of Texas Financial Resources Discloses Customer Dispute/Termination of Employment-Plano, TX

Leslie R. Rosenblatt of Texas Financial Resources Discloses Customer Dispute/Termination of Employment-Plano, TX 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

April 2017-Plano, TX The FINRA records of  Leslie R. Rosenblatt ,  a  stockbroker who is currently registered with SCF Securities disclose a pending customer dispute and a termination from employment. The Financial Industry Regulatory…

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Stuart G. Dickinson-Former WFG Investments Broker-Barred by Securities Regulagtor-Highland Park, TX

Stuart G. Dickinson-Former WFG Investments Broker-Barred by Securities Regulagtor-Highland Park, TX 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

November 2016-Highland Park, Texas The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is the agency that licenses and regulates stockbrokers and brokerage firms. FINRA requires brokers and brokerage firms to report customer complaints…

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Jay D. Jordan -Former WFG Investments Broker-Discloses $4M Customer Dispute-Oklahoma City, OK

Jay D. Jordan -Former WFG Investments Broker-Discloses $4M Customer Dispute-Oklahoma City, OK 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

April 2016- Oklahoma City, OK UPDATED February 2018-See this for current details. UPDATE MAY 2017–FINRA Records disclose that Jay D. Jordan currently has 9 pending and 4 prior customer disputes. The…

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Carl Busch-WFG Investments Broker-Sanctioned by Securities Regulator

Carl Busch-WFG Investments Broker-Sanctioned by Securities Regulator 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

December 30, 2015-Oklahoma City, OK Carl W. Busch , a broker with WFG Investments, entered into a Letter of Acceptance Waiver and Consent (AWC) with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to resolve…

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Dallas-Based WFG Investments Fined $175,000 by Texas State Securities Board

Dallas-Based WFG Investments Fined $175,000 by Texas State Securities Board 150 150 Robert Rex, Esq.

September 4, 2015- Austin, Texas Texas Securities Commissioner John Morgan entered a Disciplinary Order against Dallas based WFG Investments, Inc. , reprimanding and fining the company $175,000 for failing to…

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