Rex Securities Law Investment Fraud Attorney Investigates Dawson James Securities- Lawsuits, Arbitrations & Customer Disputes

Last Updated: April 2024

Dawson James Securities Investigation Summary

Here’s what you need to know about Boca Raton, Florida, headquartered brokerage firm Dawson James Securities:

  • Name: Dawson James Securities Inc. / Dawson James Asset Management (RIA)
  • Function: Stock Brokerage Firm/ Registered Investment Advisor
  • Introducing Arrangements With: Stonex Financial Inc.
  • Locations: Boca Raton, Florida; Dayton,Maryland; New York City
  • CRD 130645
  • Can Dawson James Securities be sued in FINRA arbitration: Yes
  • Sanctioned by Securities Regulators: Yes
  • Have any brokers at Dawson James Securities been sanctioned by regulators: Yes
  • Have any customers made complaints against brokers at Dawson James Securities: Yes
  • Management: Robert D. Keyser Jr. CEO, Richard Aulicin President, Gene Stice CFO, Rebecca Belicek CCO, Carla Corzine Investment Banking Principal
  • Principal Shareholder: ARK Financial Services

Discuss your case with experienced investment fraud lawyer Bob Rex at (877) 224-3199 for a free consultation.

Dawson James Securities

According to their website , Dawson James Securities “provides professional investment products and services to investors throughout the world.

As a full-service investment banking Firm, Dawson James Securities strives to deliver a superior level of personalized service. Each investor’s account is carefully evaluated to determine the proper investment guidelines prior to the recommendation of suitable investment choices.

Regardless of your goals, whether it’s saving for retirement, planning for a child or grandchild’s education, enhancing your current income or decreasing taxes, Dawson James Securities can help you achieve your financial objectives.”

Dawson James Securities has been a FINRA member since 2004 and currently has about 35 registered representatives in their three branch offices.

Dawson James – Regulatory Sanctions

Dawson James Securities discloses regulatory matters.

Most recently, in April 2024, Dawson James Securities was fined $500,000 by FINRA for texting violations by their CEO Robert Dawson Keyser, Jr. and other brokers with the firm as well as for supervisory duties related to the sale of private placements. In a FINRA Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent issued April 4, 2024, FINRA made the following findings:

  • From 8/2011 through 1/2021 Dawson James failed to preserved and review over 10,900 business related text messages sent or received by at least 27 assoicated persons, including Keyser. As a result Dawson James violated Sections 17(a) of the Securities Exchange Acto fo 1934, NASD Rules 3010 and 3110(a), and FINRA Rules 3110, 4511 and 2010.
  • Between 12/2016-3/2019 Dawson James failed to establish and maintain a supervisory system, including written supervisory procedures, reasonably designed to achieve compliance with the firm’s obligation to conduct reasonable due diligence on private placement offerings.

Did you lose money on Private Placements Purchased from Dawson James Securities?

Should you have a claim for stockbroker malpractice, fraud or negligence for the mishandling of your account, the broker dealer where the stockbroker is registered is liable for those losses under theory that a principal is liable for the damages caused by his agents acting within the scope of their employment.

In addition to the $500,000 fine assessed to Dawson James, Robert Keyser was fined $10,000 and suspended from associating with any FINRA member in all capacities for one month. Dawson James was censured and agreed to an undertaking requiring retaining a third party consultant to review its supervisory system relating to communications via text message and via non-firm-issued email accounts; and due diligence reviews for private placement offerings.

If your Dawson James Securities broker or financial advisor sold you private placements that lost money or otherwise caused damages due to the mishandling of your account, Dawson James Securities can be held liable.

[LEARN MORE]: Firms Have a Duty to Supervise their Financial Advisors (FINRA Rules 3110 & 2090)

Brokers and their firms have a duty to comply with the FINRA suitability rule which requires that they have a reasonable basis to believe that a recommendation is suitable for the customer.

[LEARN MORE]: FINRA Rule 2111- suitability

Private Placements under Reg D: What is a Private Placement? According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):

Under the federal securities laws, a company may not offer or sell securities unless the offering has been registered with the SEC or an exemption from registration is available. Offerings exempt from the SEC’s registration requirements pursuant to Securities Act Section 4(a)(2) or its safe harbor under Regulation D of the Securities Act are often referred to as private placements.”

 The SEC warns that unregistered offerings may be utilized to conduct investment scams and that investors should have the ability to weather a total loss in these illiquid investments. See this SEC Investor Alert about red flags to watch out for in unregistered offerings.

Eleven other regulatory disclosures are made on Dawson James Securities FINRA records, including:

  • 4/2021- $20,000 FINRA fine related to charging excessive commissions
  • 8/2019- $20,000 FINRA fine related to Dawson James brokers calling individuals in violation of the Do-Not-Call- List.


Rex Securities Law Investigations of Registered Representatives Who Have Worked for Dawson James Securities

Recover Your Investment Losses With Dawson James Securities With Rex Securities Law

If you have suffered investment losses in an account handled by a broker or financial advisor who is currently employed by or previously worked for Dawson James Securities, contact us for a complimentary consultation with an experience securities lawyer to learn how you may be able to recover damages through FINRA arbitration.

With offices in Boca Raton, FL and Austin, TX, stockbroker fraud attorney Bob Rex provides representation to investors nationwide who are seeking recovery of investment losses due to the negligence or fraud of stockbrokers, financial advisors and broker dealers.

If you have questions about how your account has been handled, call (877) 224-3199 to speak with an experienced securities attorney at no cost to you.

Most cases are handled on a contingent fee basis meaning that you do not pay legal fees unless we are successful.

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